Sunday 12 August 2007

Plan A for Again

It's Sunday afternoon and this time tomorrow my surgery will be more than half way over. It's going to be ugly! Still, I won't know anything about it as I'll be out cold under anaesthetic and I understand that I'll be pretty zonked out on morphine for the next few days. I'm told that facial surgery is not too painful so fingers crossed!
I have to have a couple of major grafts; skin from my inner forearm goes into my mouth to patch where the tumour is removed and then a graft from my stomach goes onto my arm. Apparently belly tissue is not good enough to go in the mouth. They also have to open my neck up as those lymph nodes have collected some cancerous cells. They will have to come out as will other tissue that may contain odd cells. Apparently this is the more delicate and demanding process.
Once it's all over the tissue removed goes off to pathology for examination and then judgements are made as to whether further treatment is required - that may be radiotherapy or chemotherapy. I won't know for several weeks.

I've already spent a couple of nights in hospital having a 'PEG' inserted. This is a little plastic tube that is stuck straight through into the stomach. It will be used for feeding me after the surgery on my mouth as I won't be able to eat for some time. They will keep it in, in case I have to have radiotherapy as that may stop me eating as well.
Having it inserted was not best fun. It's done under local anaesthetic and they stick a TV camera down the throat. When the camera is in the stomach they turn a light on which can be seen on the belly - punch a hole through and insert the tube. Of course you gag and feel uncomfortable as the endoscope is pushed through but the well trained team of nurses holds you down like professional judo fighters and resistance is futile. The wound is a bit sore but hasn't stopped me working in the garden (on light duties) this weekend.
Fortunately it has been a lovely weekend. Rather than go off shopping or exploring we've largely spent it at home although we did go out for afternoon tea yesterday. I'm going to miss working in the garden for the next ???? weeks - things are just coming together but there are still a lot of projects to undertake. I will feel cheated if for some reason I can't get round to them some time in the future.

Hopefully, by tomorrow evening Elaine will have been contacted by the surgeons. They've told her there will be no point in coming to visit tomorrow as I'll still be out cold so I don't expect to see her until Tuesday. I don't know when I'll be able to make the next entry here - or even talk as I'll have to have a tracheostomy during the surgery so the docs can control my breathing. That will be in for a few days at least so I'll only be able to communicate by writing. The next you'll hear directly from me may well be more than ten days away. My hospital recuperation is likely to be 10 - 14 days - well at least I'll be getting my money's worth out of the NHS.

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ron,

You've given us a right shock.

What does Elaine think about not hearing your dulcet tones for a while?

We'll be thinking about you and willcontact Elaine in a few days.

Take care.

All our love

John and Lis

Anonymous said...

By now Ron will be unable to access his blog as we know he will not pay for the hospital access!! We're thinking of you both and will be in touch as soon as we are back on Tuesday. Love Brian and Suexxx

Anonymous said...

Hello Elaine,

I've just come back from visiting my Mum in France and have just caught up with Ron's news. I was so convinced he would have had his light treatment by now and he would be recovering at home with you.

All my thoughts and prayers are with you both. Treatment has come on a long way and I really hope that you will have good news from the surgeon. I know that my case was different but the treatment ended up being a lot less traumatic than I feared. I've come to realize that watching someone you love go through all this, is often worse than going through it yourself. I remember the look in my children's eyes. But life and laughter have come back. Ron is so positive and he has you, his greatest strength.

I know you have more important things to think of but do give Ron my best wishes.
Thinking of you both

Anonymous said...

Ron and Elaine,

Just caught up with your latest news whilst on holiday. I trust the NHS are treating you well. This will certainly slow the golf down for a while. I hope Ron is coping with doing less talking... it will give Elaine more of a chance. My thoughts are with you both.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ron and Elaine,
Just got back from holiday and catching up on Ron' progress. I hope that all is going well and that each day is getting easier.
Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ron and Elaine. Hope you are recovering / nursing well. About time you got another post up on this blog I reckon. Just because you are a bit poorly it is no excuse to not maintain your mastering of new technology!!! You never even asked for any help with the blogging - clever clogs. I bought Jo one of those water features for her birthday and have just finished installing. Her birthday was at the beginning of May and I am awful at DIY, botch electrics, hate digging and notoriously forget to do do things on time for the wife, hence the slight delay.

Dan and Jo

ps. we have got to go back to work in a couple of weeks so there is a precious silver lining in that dirty great cloud. Hope it all clears soon.